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Frequently Asked

What is a Personal Life Coach?

A Personal Life Coach is someone who is qualified to support, encourage, challenge and motivate you to achieve your goals. A coach is a good active listener that can pick up from your voice what you are really thinking and will facilitate you to take actions to move yourself towards your goals. They will celebrate your successes, help you discover how to overcome obstacles, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and enable you to move forward at a far greater pace than you could achieve on your own, with the ultimate aim of you achieving your goals and discovering a much happier life.

How does Personal Life Coaching work?

Life and Career Coaching works because it focuses you on exactly what you want to achieve and gets you there faster. We go through life constantly busy ‘doing things’, but very rarely do we stop and consider our future, and where we want to be. By using a Life Coach you are able to do just that, with the aid of a coach who is 100% dedicated to you and your future. They will listen, encourage, support and motivate you. The Life Coach is able to keep you focussed and, through their experience and expertise, you will be able to identify options available to you, that you may not have ever considered.

How long are the coaching sessions?

Both Life and Career Coaching sessions take approximately 60 minutes. These sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly, whatever suits your life and the speed at which you can take actions to achieve your goals.

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