Gemma Lawlor

Pharmacist and Life Coach

Helping you channel your full health and wellness potential

Hi, my name is Gemma and I am a Qualified Pharmacist, Lifecoach and NLP Practitioner. I want to empower you to live a life that makes you truly happy. By using coaching and NLP tools I will help you achieve your goals for a healthier lifestyle, by helping you to improve your Nutrition, Stress Management or your Mindset so you can live the life you’ve always wanted!

My Story

I am a Qualified Pharmacist, Lifecoach, and NLP Practitioner. I have worked in community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry over the past 20 years.

I have seen people burnout due to stress and general unhappiness at work and in their personal lives so I am keen to help people find what truly makes them happy. As a Pharmacist, I have an interest in health and nutrition and love helping people to set goals for a healthier lifestyle.

My Approach

“I believe that people are capable of living stress free authentic lives. Sometimes we get side tracked or lost in the beliefs that our families, schools, and cultures that we have grown up with have ‘given’ to us. Many of these beliefs were accepted by our subconscious mind as being true, even though they can be extremely self-limiting. It can be scary to question our beliefs so sometimes we just accept them and try and get on with our lives.  

My coaching sessions involve helping you to create goals and make decisions that come from your authentic self. Each session will give you the confidence to change thought processes that might be holding you back or not bringing you happiness. “

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